California Dental Care & Orthodontics: A Full-Service Upland CA Dental Clinic with the Latest Technology - California Dental Care & Orthodontics

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Creating Dazzling Smiles,
One Smile At A Time
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California Dental Care & Orthodontics: A Full-Service Upland CA Dental Clinic with the Latest Technology

The cutting edge of dental science and technology is always advancing!  Here at California Dental Care & Orthodontics, we’re proud to offer the latest in high-tech services for the absolute best in comfortable and effective dentistry.  For more than twenty years, we’ve been dedicated to being the LA area’s top Upland CA dental clinic, and we have a long list of enthusiastic clients who attest to it!

Here’s a peek at just a few of the high-tech solutions our Upland CA dentists use at California Dental Care & Orthodontics…

Presenting The State-of-the-Art in Upland CA Dental Services

DIAGNOdent™ Cavity Detection 

Traditional cavity detection relies largely on visual examination, combined with X-Ray imaging techniques.  The problem with these is that they often do poorly at detecting cavities which are forming on “hidden” surfaces, such as on the sides of molars.

The excellent new DIAGNOdent system uses soft LED light to measure the exact reflective\refractive properties of every tooth surface, allowing us to spot emerging cavities that other techniques would miss.

Incognito™ Hidden Braces

Many people are hesitant about the thought of braces due to the obvious change in appearance to your smile until their corrective work is done.  But not with Incognito braces!  These custom-braces are fit on the inside surfaces of the teeth, providing all the orthodontic benefits of braces with none of the hassle. 

SomnoMed® Sleep Apnea\Snoring Appliances

Millions of Americans suffer from sleep apnea, where their throat closes during sleep, causing a lack of airflow and loud gasps for air.  Sleep apnea is also a common cause of extreme snoring and teeth-grinding.  

Now, with SomnoMed® appliances, those suffering mild-to-moderate sleep apnea can get a good night’s rest every night, with a comfortable custom-fit appliance that keeps their airway clear. Both sufferers and their loved ones are glad for such a simple solution.

LANAP™ Gum Surgery

Treating periodontal gum disease is easier than ever, with LANAP™ laser surgery techniques.  It’s quicker, safer, and less painful than traditional gum surgery, and with a faster recovery time as well.  What used to be a highly uncomfortable procedure many patients would avoid, even at the risk of increased mouth disease, is now simple and mostly pain-free.  

Trust California Dental Care & Orthodontics

That’s just a small selection of the highly advanced techniques our Upland CAdentists offer at California Dental Care & Orthodontics.Contact us today to book an appointment!

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